Strategies For Successful Homework Completion: Top 10 Tips

Completing homework on a daily basis requires dedication. All too often, students waste their time doing other things, like playing on their phones or hanging out with their friends. Unfortunately, when students do not complete their nightly assignments, their grades suffer. Instead of failing tests and other assessments due to not completing assignments, you can use these 10 tips to get your homework finished and improve your grades.

  • Turn off the smartphone. Ask any college professor or school teacher, the cellphone is the most distracting thing in the classroom today. Not only are they distracting in class, but they are also distracting out of class. In order to complete your work each night, set your cellphone aside and get busy. Do not even keep it in the same room with you, so you are not tempted to look at it even once while you are completing your homework.

  • Find a study buddy. Working with a classmate is a sure way to get your work done each night. The study buddy does not have to be a good friend, but just someone who is in your class(es) and will show up at the scheduled time.

  • Dedicate time each day. Set a time and stick to it. Put it in your calendar and treat it like an important appointment.

  • Stay after school. If you do not have a quiet place to work at home, work at school. Most schools have at least one room that is open where students can work - like the library. If your school does not have afterschool hours, find a teacher who stays late and work in his or her classroom.

  • Reward yourself. After you earn a good score on a test, give yourself a treat!

  • Appreciate what you are learning. If you look at completing homework as a way to learn, then you will begin to appreciate doing homework.

  • Change your mindset. Stop complaining about homework and start enjoying it. You are fortunate to be able to go to school and have someone teach you.

  • Take good notes. You will be able to finish your assignment quickly if you have notes that you can use. What you do in class will reflect in the work you do out of class.

  • Be proud of your accomplishments. You know what you put into your coursework, so do work that you can be proud of completing!

  • Ask for help. Whether you ask face-to-face or online, find someone who can help you and use that help. When you ask for help, you are more likely to remember the information that you need to learn.

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